Vertical 808 front

Desktop 808 Checklist

Back of desktop 808
Front of platform 808
Vertical 808 back

Vertical 808 Checklist
9) A copy of the instruction manual 10) CBC 11) Screw 12) Fuse, Rubber ring 13) Handle bracket 14) Cold gel 15) Warranty card 16) Laser glassesOptical Equipment Safety 1) It is forbidden to wear reflectors such as jewelry, watches or glasses to prevent reflected laser light. 2) Lasers may damage eyes and cause skin burns. Necessary protective measures should be taken during use: all personnel should wear goggles when using the machine, and customers should wear eye shields of opaque material that can completely block light. Even if the operator is wearing goggles, do not look directly at the laser or its reflected light from the operating handle. 3) When the machine is turned on, no part of the body should face the light outlet of the operating handle. 4) Do not use the operating handle outside the scope of use specified in this manual, and do not emit lasers outside the operating area. 5) The closed light guide crystal transmits the laser light to the skin, and the laser light can only be emitted from the front face of the light guide crystal. 6) Excessive light energy emitted to the operation site may cause skin damage. 7) The operating handle should be placed on the handle hanger when not in use, and the operating handle should point to the operated part when in use. 8) Please restore the system to the standby state after one hair removal operation to avoid unnecessary damage caused by unintentional light emission. 9) When testing light, please light to an open space, floor or ceiling, and do not light to mirror objects. The light guide crystal and cooling head should always be kept clean, and do not allow cold gel to penetrate into the inside of the operating handle.